May 28, 2007

It pays off to slow down

It's the end of the school year and life is hectic. The three day weekend for Memorial Day was much needed, and I am ready to face the final weeks of school, begin a new internship, and put on a $40,000 event for Springfield Public Schools.

But if a three day weekend is not a possibility, this great post on Forward Blog reminds us to remember to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.

It's way too easy to get wrapped up in school, work, blogging, social networking and so on.

So, take Forward Blog's advice and remember to take a mental health day, pet your puppy, call home, write a letter and spend time with family.

No, these little things in life won't solve all of your work week problems, but after a relaxing, long weekend, I feel more productive, happier and excited to see what the week brings.

It really does pay to slow down.