Jun 11, 2007

Playing indoors with Barbies...online?

The New York Times recently wrote an article noting the increase of interactive web sites targeted for children. Instead of playing outside or interacting with other children, kids are staying home and playing in virtual worlds, such as BarbieGirls and Cartoon Doll Emporium.

The article discusses child advocates' concerns over the amount of advertising being displayed on these sites and the amount of time children are spending on these sites.

With the increase usage of interactive web sites, will children participate less in physical activity?

I can see how these sites appeal to children, but I can see a few negative effects. Are there benefits as well? What do you think?

Ultimately, parents have the final decision on how much time their children can spend on these websites. Children and adults a like must find a balance between virtual worlds and the "real world."

On that note, I'm going to go play outside.