Jul 16, 2007

Always Talk to Strangers

This morning I listened to a great podcast on the Forward Blog about establishing your personal brand. The podcast interviews Mitch Joel, president of Twist Image. I highly recommend this podcast because of the great advice it offers PR students and new professionals.

Mitch Joel discusses the importance of talking to strangers with no hidden agenda or specific purpose. So introduce yourself and chat with neighbors, taxi drivers, friends, co-workers, church members, professors, baristas...anyone you come in contact with! These connections can help you down the road when you need a new job or need outside assistance for a PR campaign. He advices to invest in these relationships now. (I love it!)

So forget mom's advice and start talking to strangers!

(Mitch also outlines three action items for establishing your personal brand at the end of the podcast. It's excellent advice- check it out! I'm going to give it a shot and report back later.)